Friday, January 9, 2009

Unexpected News...

Wow, so I got some unexpected news tonight from two girls (young ladies) in my youth group. They asked me to do something for them that really blew me away. It makes me feel so very humbled for them to think enough of me to ask me to do this...I am really shocked...and honored!

We have our Youth Led Service this Sunday morning where everyone will be sharing from our recent trip, I am already really excited about it as I know that God will definitely use the Youth to show everyone how He has been working in their lives...

[Edited to add that they asked for me to baptize them. This will be my first time doing anything like this (and as far as that goes my second time too!).]

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to leave us hanging, or tell us what they asked?

    Have a great weekend!
