Friday, January 9, 2009

Unexpected News...

Wow, so I got some unexpected news tonight from two girls (young ladies) in my youth group. They asked me to do something for them that really blew me away. It makes me feel so very humbled for them to think enough of me to ask me to do this...I am really shocked...and honored!

We have our Youth Led Service this Sunday morning where everyone will be sharing from our recent trip, I am already really excited about it as I know that God will definitely use the Youth to show everyone how He has been working in their lives...

[Edited to add that they asked for me to baptize them. This will be my first time doing anything like this (and as far as that goes my second time too!).]

Tough Calls....

The other night we ran a pretty tough call. A young teenager had been shot, initially we were told it was a suicide...but we have been told that it was an accident, but either way it is a great tragedy. The last I was told is that he is in extremely critical condition at a local hospital. Keep him in your prayers. 

What this got me to thinking about is suicides in teens. I never questioned our actions on the scene because we did everything we could do, but it makes me question my actions as a Christian before the incident. If I had been chasing after the will of God like I should have could I have made a difference in his life through working in his school? Granted we have now been told it was an accident, but the thought still remains...Am I doing everything that I can do for God? Hmm...if we all took the time to really think about this how would we feel about the results? We are not in this World for our benefit, but to be Salt and Light to a lost and dying World that desperately needs the truth of Jesus Christ, may we always keep that in mind!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hmm...wonder if this will work?

So I happen to have one of these "smartphones" (notice I said nothing about my smartness, just my phone... but would that make me smart to have a smartphone)? Anyways, if this works like it should I can post to the blog from my phone via email...

I'll even push the envelope a little and see if I can add a picture I took of the Third Day concert...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

So I have been working on a logo for LSM, ya'll see what you think (not that there is anyone but me looking at this). The "T" in Ministries will be replaced with a Cross so that the light of the lighthouse will be pointing to the cross.

Decisions...Decisions... to say that I am dealing with some decisions that are tough is a major understatement. I am working through some things that will totally change everything about my life...but I know that this is what the will of God is for my life. It is really scary, but I know that God will provide for us, and will bless me for following after Him. Be in prayer for my family as we go through this time...

My entrance into Blog World

Well I have finally joined the rest of the world in creating a blog. The name may seem a little strange to some of you (Lighthouse Student Ministries) but this is the name of the Youth Group that I lead. It is a name that I have been thinking and praying about for some time, and I simply cannot escape from it. 

The idea is from Matthew 5:16 where believers are told to be the light of the world so that others can see Christ and to bring glory to Him (my paraphrase). The purpose is to be a shining light in this world pointing to Christ, and to shine an exposing light on the evil of this world to protect people from the attacks of Satan. I am working on the Purpse Statement, and I will be sure to post it here when I finish!

We just got back from our Winter Xtreme trip to Gatlinburg, and we had a blast! It was a great time of worship and preaching from some of the greatest Preachers, especially for youth. Everyone had a lot of fun, and the boys were angels the entire time.